Page name: Arianova RP page 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-12 13:41:50
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Angelis Nightfall
# of watchers: 5
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Luna was still praticing & seamed rather determined this time, it was obvious that something was not right. She usualy never praticed this hard, she even had tears streaming down her face blending in with the sweat & that was the biggest sign.

Loke was walking around and heard Luna practicing. He looked and saw the tears and sweat. "You'll work yourself to death if you keep practicing so hard," he said in his quiet voice.

" Then so be it, if that happens let it happen & let something i love be the end of me. " Luna continued to pratic, she never let up & never weakned visably.

Loke grabbed the weapon with his bare hand. Blood was falling to the floor from the wound it created. "What good would something like that do you? If you are upset or angry at someone or something, practicing till you kill yourself would be a pretty poor solution," he said, sighing.

" What do you care, after all your not the one doing it & why should you care any way?" Luna then pulled the blade from his hand & moved to a few stepps away, she tehn went back to praticing.

"Is the problem that bad that you have to work yourself to death to solve it? Grow up because you'll soon find that half the things aren't easy to solve," Loke said, removing his sunglasses.

Luna walked over to him & stood before him staring, she then sadi in a growl," Do not tell me to grow up, the things i have weighing down on my shoulders you could never truly understand & i do what i feel i have to to try & clear my head! I do the things i love & the things i love ar all i have in this world, so don't tell me to grow up!" She then dropped the sword & then took off towards the woods, she disappeared into a tree.

Loke watched her and sighed, "Better she run off then work herself to death." He then looked at his hand were the blade had cut and tore part of his shirt and wrapped his hand with it.

Orchid looked up at Alec."Nothing at all..."She said softly,her eyes rather cold but her voice still soft as she turned back towards the village.She knew someday Alec would become loyal to another.And when that day came,if that woman happened to be on the Sabrellans side,she would have to kill them both.

Alec nodded again. "Then I will go. Don't hesistate to call apon me if I am needed," he said, and let go. He stepped back with a respectful bow to her before moving swiftly into their camp to assist with regular checks and duties.

Luna colapsed onto the branch of the tree, she looked like a rag doll laying there & she breathed heavily. After a while she had turned from the high branch fallnig to the ground with a hard loud thud, it knocked the wind out of her & yet though in pain she said nor did nothnig.

Suddenly, Alec's face was above her, looking down into hers calmly. "That looked quite painful, Luna." His voice was soft and inviting, though he did not smile.

Luna Pushed herself off the ground & said nothign to him, she limped away towards teh camp. She once there stumbled to her tent & colapsed onto her cot, she then sighed a apinful sigh. Her shoulder was sepetared & she had a small fracture in her left forarm, but with a few days she would heal.

"Do you desire I fetch a healer?" Alecs soft voice came again, this time where he was leaning in the entrance to her tent.

Luna then said slowly," No just go, there is no reason to alarm Lerayel & there is no reason to alarm anyone else. After all they are busy, they have more important things to deal with & i don't want to pull them away from what they ahve to do." She then fell silent & sighed a few times, she winced alittle yet stayed calm.

"Then do you wish that I at least help you bind it? I am free to help you," Alec offered. "I do not wish to leave a fair maiden such as yourself in such a condition."

" Don't call me a fair maiden, i'm far from it & besides there is no reason you should care about me. No one not even Lerayel should, i'm not worth it & never have been." Luna said with a painfilled shreak, she then fell wilent & sighed again before griping her right hand tight.

Alec smiled gently. "Come now. In my eyes, and may I be considered blind if you wish, you are as pretty as the first bloomed lilly on a peaceful pond in spring. So beautiful, that every lilly after is but a shadow of the first, wishing to be the one to catch the eyes of animals with its entrance into the world. But of course, the first has everyone's eye." He slowly walked over to the bed, being careful not to scare her. "Just as you have caught mine. So please, to me, you are worth the effort. Will you not let me help you? The one who has come so far to see your beautiful face once more?" He knelt by the bed, looking at her with soft, comforting, questioning eyes.

" Don't put on a act for me, I know your loyay to your leader & i know you care nothing for me as you say you do. If you are true to your word about me now, then be true to your leader & leave her if you do not want to stay in your clan. If you don't leave her, then why stay here & try to put on a act for me when it will only bring more hurt to what i already carry. " Luna then turns away from him laying on her right arm to keep presure & weight off her left one, she tehn goes silent.

"Luna..." Alec's voice remained soft and comforting. "I have come to help you. You are my Moon Maiden, and I fell for you the instant that I saw you. Lerayel just wanted to keep me from you because she does not wish to lose her crutch. Sweet, sweet Luna, I am loyal to my leader yes, but as a soldier, a fighter. My heart has lead me to you and I wish to help you, take you with me. My 'clan' as you call them care for one another. You are never alone, and if you come with me, I will be by your side, every moment. I promise to keep you safe and happy, but you must come with me. I do not want you to stay here and be pained so often any longer. The hateful way your leader.. friend.. treated you, and now you are physically hurt because no one would go with you to make sure you were safe and unharmed. I would not let that happen. I will take care of you Luna, if you only give me the chance, please!" He looked at her back with pleading eyes.

"Lerayel has been like my mother, she had been there for me when no one has been & i'm not leaving her. I'm not leaving my group either, i have worked to hard to get where i'm at & to leave it all now would be wrong. " luna then turned on to ehr back & stared into his eyes, she then said softly," If you truly care for me as you say you do, then listen to your heart & stay here with me if not then just go." Her eyes begging with him & a tear at the edge of her eye, she ment everything she was saying to him.

Alec put on a sad smile. "I will not stay for unrequited love," he said quietly, then stood and turned to leave the camp to return to his own.

Isabella sat there and listened to all the sounds around her. Since the moment she had jumped out of the tree she had wondered why these people had made up the large "group" that they had.

" I knew you would not stay, Your not the first to say things like that & then walk away in the end. Your all the same, you never truly care for me & only hurt me in the end." Luna then turned over on to her side again & let silent tears fall, she knew she would never find love it was her fate to alwasy be without a partner or at least thats what she thought of it.

Alec paused at the entrance to her tent. "You do not love me, I have no reason to stay. I will not pour my heart out to a brick wall. If you want to be the flower I see you to be, my water lilly, walk into the woods, alone, and I will be there to meet you. No matter when you come, I will wait forever..." Then he really left her tent, keeping out of site until he returned to his 'own territory'.

Orchid smirked softly,having been sitting in a tree above the tent,listening to their conversation."Now will be the perfect time...."She whispered softly to herself.If Luna was to walk into the woods alone,She would kill her.

Alec stopped out in the woods, out of the sight of either camp, and sat on a branch high above the ground. He sighed with boredom soon and, smiling, started singing: "The flower of my heart doth lie, beyond the borders of bright blue sky, and although I travel far and wide, the sweet sweet flower eludes me... Lillies, roses, all for the courted.. for what I search for.. Is an orchid..." He laughed.

Luna shruged away her pain & stumbled from the tent, she then headed toweards Alec. She had to know if he ment what he had said & this was the only way, once she got close she whispered his name before falling back.

Orchid watched Luna stumble into the forest before jumping silently down from her perch and following her.

Alec left his post as well, landing softly a few yards in front of Luna. "You came!" He said happily, looking as if he was resisting hugging her.

As Luna fell back, she tried to say something & ended up stopping just staring at him weakly. She had praticed to long & to hard making herself way to weak, she couldn't protect herself even if she tried.

Alec let his arms fall and his confusion show. "Is something... wrong?"

Luna just stared at him & didn't know what to say, she herself was confused. She then sighed & lay her head back, her eyes closing she just leaned against the tree.

"Luna..." Alec's voice was soft as he approached her. He took her chin with his thumb and forefinger to turn it to look into his eyes. "Why did you come here?" he asked gently, just wanting the answer, neither expectant or condescending.

" Something told me to come, i don't know i just had to come & yet something in me said i shouldn't though i came any way. " She then went silent, her arm still out & limp out of place.

"You should have rested," Alec said gently as he let his hand fall. "You are still hurt. I am... happy, though, that you have come to see me."

Luna then closed her eyes & she sighed again, she then reached for his hand yet stopped. She then shook alittle & then lay down on her right side, it took away alittle of the pain.

Alec sat behind her, leaning on his right hand to prop himself up as his left gently stroked her hair back. "Why did you come, Luna..." It was a rehtorical question, and he said it almost as if not to her.

" I don't know, i guess because i felt i needed to & that if i didn't i would regret it." Luna then sighed alittle more & went silent once again, her eyes closing again.

"Luna..." Alec paused, as if uncertain of something, then asked carefully, "Will you come with me? I want to care for you, please come with me to the Kerrigons. We would never be so..." He placed a very light finger on her injured shoulder, just enough to really remind her of it, before flinching his hand away. "Unkind to you..."

" I can't leave my clan, if i had known you sooner & i had not gotten into the clam i know now meybe i would have. I can't leave them, no matter how much i have been threw & i know that if i never fine anyone for me to love me then maybe thats how i should live." Luna then forced herself to sit up, she then tried to stand & foung it hard to.

Alec placed a hand on her good shoulder so as to not hurt her, but held her sitting. He looked straight into her eyes. "Luna, is a painful loyalty worth losing love? I would love you Luna, I promise... I am sure I can now, but... like you, I am loyal to my clan. Unlike you, I like my side. They are kind to me and they would be to you. You would not have to go throught the pain." He placed a gentle hand on her cheek. "Please Luna... Please, come with me..."

" I love my clan & they treat me well, they do as i ack them to. I asked them to leave me alone, i wanted to be left alone because i had to work things out & if your loyal to your clan then go be loyal to them. Forget aout me because if you had love for me it would be stronger than anything else & obviously it's not so forget me sweetone, you will love alother eventualy i'm not worth your time." Luna then stood slowly & began to unsteadily walk away, a silent tear falling down her cheek.

Alec stood after her and captured her from behind in a gentle embrace so as to avoid hurting her shoulder. He spoke softly in her ear, his tone almost hurt. "Luna... It is not that I don't love you that keeps me away.. It is that you do not love me... My side would welcome you with open arms, as I am now.. I am not harming you, I am not threatening or beating you... That is because my side is not the brutes others see us to be.. If I were to go to your side, you know what would happen.. They would take me as a spy or some such nonsense and end up killing me on the spot.. I would die for you Luna, but.. Do you want me to be killed?"

" Do what your heart tells you to do, just as i'm doing what my heart tells em to & my clan dose not beat me, i did this to myself. They tried to stop me & i did not listen, so this is hte result of my stupidity. Go to your clan, be with them & are for them. I do love you, but if it means i have to leave my clan to keep it i can't do that & you knowe as well as i do that those of your clan would do the same to me if i came in there." Luna then slowly walked away, pain filling her & she was still limping from pain.

"Do as you wish," Alec said, his voice as gentle as ever. He swept around her, taking her hands in his own and holding them to his chest. "Just know..." His eyes looked deep into hers. "That this beats for you, always. I can only promise that I would allow no harm to come to you if you were with me... I cannot do that where you currently are nor can I change my mind as they will slaughter me... And no, my clan would not harm you, I would protect you from that, with no doubt for sacrifice if need be. Just know, that if you ever want the love I offer you.. You need only come find me again, come to me, and I will give you all of it." He gave her a hug so gentle, it felt like nothing more than a forceful breeze, then he was gone, no where to be seen.

Luna then fell to her knees & the tears fell to the ground, she was lost at what to do. She was hurting inside & out unable to do all the things her heart wanted her to do, she then sighed standing again with force. She then headed to her tent & colapsed onto her cot, the tears still fallnig as she was still in pain.

Alec once again sat on a high tree limb and called out to his friend, who he knew was near enough to hear him, though they weren't close enough to either camp to be heard. "Oh SIARA! Do come out and play with me! I know you're there!"

Siara sprang from some bushes, trying her best to not make a sound. Of course, she failed misrably as soon as she heard the loud noise. She swore under her breath, and landed quickly.

Alec's gaze emidiatly fell apon her. "Ah, there you are. What are you doing crashing through the woods like chased prey? Honestly, no sense of dignity." He tisked.

Siara flinched. Of all the people.. She thought, but she lifted her head to look at his, her watery-blue eyes piercing through Alec's. "First of all, I wouldn't have made noise if you hadn't been screaming as if you were being murdered. Second, I don't play." She said, commented on his call of her name.

Alec let himself fall from the limb, landing with a muted thump. He stood at his full height and looked down on Siara. "You cannot blame me for your lack of stealth, you should be able to use it regardless." He grinned and slid around her, his lips close to her ear and practically purred in it, "And don't you want to play with me... I can be such fun..."

Siara waved his hand near his face, waving him off. "For someone as old as you are, you'd expect more maturity." She siad with a roll of her eyes. She leapt up, grabbing onto a branch. Shw sung forward, and stayed there, standind on her hand, holding to the branch. After a few moments she gave alittle push, and landed in a croaching position on the branch, her elbows resting on her knees. She looked down on Alec, waiting to see what he would do.

"You know as well as I, dear friend, that I am still young for my kind," Alec responded with a small smile as he watched her, arms crossed over his chest. He walked over to the tree to lean back against it, one foot propped up against it as he looked up at Siara. "Do not assume that I do not indulge in pleasures.. I just indulge in a specific... branch of amusement." He smiled up at her then laughed.

Siara remained serious. She stood, and flipped backwards, landing softly on her feet. She gave a small smirk to herself, she had done what she was aiming for. "And I dont' dare assume what your pleasure is.." Siara mumbled, beginning to walk past him.

"Ah, I think you know..." Alec said in his voice that made most women melt. He swept in front of her, one arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her close to him as his face got very close to hers, his dark green eyes sparkling like a thousand trapped sould lie in their depths. "I enjoy nothing more..." His lips moved close to her ear and he wispered softly. "Than being free, and showing people just how weak.. they.. are..." He smiled and let go of her, stepping back and resuming his dignified stance.

Siara's hand had gone immediatly to her back, for that is where her daggers were. "Don't ever do that again.." She said, then moved closer to him. she whispered in his ear as she passed, "Or you'll find my dagger in your neck." She stepped past, looking for another tree to climb. She was not one of those women who would be melted. Her heart was hard - and she didn't find romance to be something she enjoyed. Yes, she might have enjoyed it once, but the embers would need much coaxing to start a fire in her heart again. pppfftt. elves. always so full of themselves. She thought.

Alec laughed and turned to watch her. He loved watching her practice, so strong willed and bodied. "Oh, Siara, this is why I consider you my friend. You are not weak like the others. You are not like the helpless females humans usually produce, no. You have risen above that, and for that, I am proud to call myself, your friend. You are the only one who does not swoon, but instead, threatens my life. Ah, so exhilirating! Dont' you think?" He smiled as he watched her.

Siara gave a snicker. "Friends are for those who try and fill their lives with useless things." She said, though more to herself that to him. She put her hands on the ground, and slowly put one leg in the air, then the other. She began to take one of her hands away. "So if I fall at your feet, pledging my undying love to you, you'll leave me be?" She asked, refurring to the swooning bit.

Alec crouched in front of her and appeared to think for a moment before looking at her and saying, in all seriousness, "Only if you mean it." Then he couldn't hold it and broke into a grin and laughter.

Siara once more gave his her piercing glance. "And I would never mean it." She said, doubling back as to arch her back, both feet and hands on the ground. What does he want with me? Can't he find someone else to bug? Siara thought, though she really didn't mind the company.

"I know, that is the only reason the offer stands," Alec said as he tilted his head to the side, trying to at least somewhat make himself (and her for the matter) seem upright to one another.

Siara stood, simply by bringing her body upright, her feet never moving from where they were. She was rather flexible. Why did he call me here? In hopes of playing his little game? Or does he want something more from me? Do they all want something? She inwardly sighed. Everyone is looking for something. Everyone in this land. All that matters is what it is, but that thing is only important to the person - the rest of us don't give a damn. She scoffed inwardly. I'm getting philisophical.

Alec stood as well and, disregarding her earlier warning, stepped foreward and wrapped his arms around her, his chin resting on her shoulder. "I'm bored," he stated simply.

Siara's jaw clentched as she said, trying to hold in her fury, "You're..touching me.." Then she added, "And get a bloody dog if your bored. I hear they're great company."

Alec stepped back and laughed. "Oh, do learn to calm down. It's not like I was molesting you. And I don't want a dog, they work on impulses, so predictable... Not like you! You I can't predict.." He placed a finger on her chin and turned her as he leaned around a bit to look her in the eyes with utter curiosity. "You facinate me..." he said softly.

"And so do shiny things," Siara said with a smirk as she rolled her eyes, stepping away from him. I don't need to be molested to kill someone for touching me. She thought, then realized she'd be in trouble if she did kill him. She knew he was probably telling the truth. even her own sister used to say, "Ara, you never cease to surpirse me." Ara..what a stupid name. Siara thought. She had never been a fan of nicknames.

Alec scowled before turning on his heel and heading back toward their camp.

Siara was almost sorry she had insulted him. Almost. "You give up too easily." She said before grabbing hold of another branch. She swung her legs forward, then it struck her - the brnach was too thin. It couldn't hold her weight. with a loud Snap! It gave way.

Alec nearly swore as he turned on instinct, but could only soften the blow with his arms. He winced at they struck the ground. "No, but that branch does." He emidiately let go and looked at a distinctly nasty bruise/cut on his arm where her blade had hit it. He scowled at it before looking back at her. "Don't be an idiot next time, Siara. We can't afford to lose warriors, no matter how good or bad." His eyes were narrowed at her still, but lingered only a moment before he shook his head as if dissapointed and turned to head back to camp again.

Siara bit her lip as her hands went to her ankle. She hadn't hurt it, not that bad. His words wrung in her ears. "I'm not an idiot..nor a bad warrior." She mumbled to herself as she stood. Her head snapped as she heard a twig breaking. It couldn't be Alec - it was from behind her. She unsheathed her daggers, galncing around.

I've finally found you. Aerion thought as she swiftly darted about the forest. I've been looking for you, and now I can finally finish our business.

Siara knew she had to draw whomever it was away from teh camp, so, making as much noise as she could, she headed away, and off to he side from the camp.

What's this? You're moving..and making plenty of noise. But why? Surely you know I'm here by now. Aerion though. Nontheless, she darted after Siara.

Alec nearly groaned when he heard the noise the two sisters were making. He rolled his eyes skyward and shook his head unhappily, then sighed and picked a tree where he leaned against it, right where Aerion would find him and scowled at the ground, obviously annoyed.

Aerion stopped when she came across an elve. Ah...what's this? a friend of yours? She thought, though she said nothing aloud. All she did was wait.

Siara swore when she realized that Aerion wasn't behind her. She duobled back, this time much quieter - she wanted to see what had made her sister stop. Aerion wasn't very easily distracted.

"Must you hide? I know you are there," Alec said, and moved his narrowed eyes to where Aerion was.

Aerion walked out from behind her tree, a small smile on her face. "No, I guess I don't have to hide." She said, looking over the elf. She was searching for weapons, possible threats. Ah. A small stop on the road to Siara. i guess I'll have to deal with him first. She thought.

"You smile like a predatory cat, and look at me as if I am some sort of weed rat. Must you tromp around the woods, destroy unecessarily, frighten all the smaller animals, all for what? A hunt perhaps?" Alec raised an accusing eyebrow at her, unconcerned that he was unarmed. "Please refrain and return from wence you came, you presense in irritating."

Aerion gave a small laugh. "I've come for someone, and I won't be leaving until I'm done with my business." She said, staying where she was.

And he had to get into this.. Siara thought as she came closer, still being as quietl as possible. She was behind a tree now. She's taller than me! She noticed instantly, almost growling out in anger. Even so, she knew she was the better fighter.

"Then find them elsewhere," Alec snapped. "There is no one here to concern you. Please harrass others until you chosen prey is out of my hearing rage, or else I will have to continue to hinder your progress. Now leave!"

Aerion's eyes flashed to behind him, and she saw what she needed to see. She saw Siara's hand before her sister drew it back. A small smile came to her face. "I suppose I will be leaving again." She added under her breath, "Though this isn't thelast you'll see of me." Though it was more of a warning to her sister than to him. She retreated into the woods.

I could have taken her down...right here and now. Siara thought, though she let her sister leave; Alec seemed to be more of a problem at the moment. He seems rather upset. Wheather it be the insult, or my fall, I don't know. or perhaps he's just in a bad mood. I should smooth his ruffled feathers though. She thought.

Alec watched her go, then his hard emerald glare snapped to where Siara was hiding. "And YOU! How dare you try to lure her away! Try to take her one your own. What did I tell you about not-being-able-to-afford-losing-fighters?! Have you no common sense! The limp! You're leg is damaged and yet still, you wish to try and take on a fighter on-your-own. I am appauled! You go trapsing about in these woods, destroying nirvana-knows-what, all for the sake of, I bet, trying to spare us. SELF-RITEOUS-!" Alec nearly snarled at her but breathed a sharp breath at the end before turning around the tree and beginning to stride back to camp once more, glaring hard at the ground.

Siara began to follow him. "I had to draw her away from the camp. As far as she knows I'm solo, I haven't joined up with anyone yet." She said. "And even with this..this minor set-back I could beat her." She stepped infront of Alec. "Is that all thats making you angry?" She asked curiosty flicking in her blue eyes.

Alec looked down on where she stood. "What has brought about my change of emotion is none of your concern," he said icily to her before stepping around her and continueing to camp. "Find a healer."

"A healer?" Siara asked. "What for? I thought you were the recurter." She spoke as she walked, finding her place to his side.

"That I am, and for you ankle, in case you've forgotten. You need to have it at least looked over," Alec said tensely, obviously wanting to be rid of her.

"My ankle is fine." Siara said. "And i really would like to know what your problem is. If it's my insult, youmust realize that I insult everyone, no one ever takes it personally. If t be something else, I'd like to know."

Alec's eyes flashed dangerously and he stopped walking to turn his dark gaze on her. "You are presumptuous to think that that statement you call an 'insult' is what has annoyed me." He glared at her only a moment longer, then seemed to decide it wasn't worth the effort and continued walking.

"My my, it must be something much larger then if i ruffles your feathers so. To make you go from being frivilous and happy to this...whatever it is must be absurd." Siara replied. Okay, I'm curious...nothing more..

"Figure it out yourself. I'm sure by the time you understand, I will have calmed, and it will be good to know you have learned something today." Alec said, neither turning nor slowing his pace.

Siara said nothing. Her ankle felt much better - her philisiphy had always been that you could walk anything off. "But I'll keep prying until I find out. That's what friends do, don't they?" She regretted saying the last bit the moment she said it.

"Friends know when to back off, as well," Alec replied.

"I take your hint." Siara said, glancing down at her ankle. It didn't look bad, though that didn't mean it was alright.

Alec made it back to camp without incident, and although some of the other Kerrigons looked at him, no one approached him. They knew when someone had upset him and it was never good. He retrieved a broad sword and went into an empty clearing to practice.

Siara followed after. Some of the Kerrigons grumbled, others tried to look respectful. Odd. Second in command She thought as she headed to her own tent.


Once she had let enough time pass, Siara walked out of the tent She went looking for Alec. Should I apologize? No, that just isn't like me. What did I do wrong? She thought as she walked along, chewing on her lower lip in thought. She headed out to the forest, and sat up in the trees. She began to sing a melody.

Alec remained in the tree where he had been for a little while, meditating. He didn't respond to Siara, though something always hummed in him to sing when he was in the woods (mostly the reason he meditated at all, to control it). She just didn't seem like the effort, and besides, he was waiting in case Orchid needed him. She always knew how to find him somehow...

Lerayel explained hte purpose of the Sabrellans, and who was important in the group, to Isabella. Then she excused the new member and went outside. She needed to find Luna. But how would she explain her behavior? She put that thought off and found her friend in her tent, alone, crying. "Luna!" she cried, running to her and kneeling beside her. "You're hurt. Oh, what happened?!"

" I praticed to hard & thten fell from a tree, i pulled my shoulder otu as well as fractured my four arm. I'm weak from praticing & i found love, but i can never have that love & it hurts me to Lerayel." She then shivered & sighed, the tears still falling.

Orchid lept from her tree perch,moving swiftly away from Luna.She had decided to give Alec the ultimate test.She walked back to camp an over to the tree Alec was perched meditating in.She took out her dagger and threw it up to him."Take my dagger and kill Luna.Those are your orders."She whispered softly up to him,her eyes daring him,telling him to do it.

Alec picked up the dagger and looked at it boredly. "Why?"

Orchid runs her fingers through her hair."She's a Sabrellan and I told you to.That should be enough for you.Now Kill her."She said,her voice equally as bored an emotionless.

"Why her? Why not any and every Sebrellan I can get my hands on?" Alec returned calmly as he jumped from the tree, landing in front of her, standing proudly as his head was tilted, still examining the blade he held.

"Because she is the nearest one to our camp.Trust me Alec I will have you take the rest out later,But for now kill her."Orchid said softly,looking him in the eyes.Now daring him more than ever to disobey.

"As you wish," Alec said gently and trailed the fingertips of his free hand across her cheek before letting it fall. "You will not see me for a couple of days then... She is held in high regard with the leader so this will not be easy..."

Orchid trailed her lips softly across Alec's lips,smiling seductively."See that she is finished slowly.Ill be watching,and I want to hear her scream..."She purred in his ear.

"As you wish..." Alec replied sofly, his hand coming up to trail the fingers through her hair gently.

Orchid suddenly grabbed his neck rather roughly,pulling his face close to hers',though still more gentle than she would of done to an ordinary soldier."And Alec...dont try to run and not finish your job,because Ill do it for you...than Ill come for you.No one betrays the Kerrigons,Not even you my sweet Alec."She said her voice icey and commanding obediance.

"I never betray my loyalties," Alec told her as gently as ever, seeming unaffected by her brutality. "And you, lovely, lovely Orchid.. currently hold that loyalty. I am not swayed so easily to change sides." His eyes were warm and honest looking into hers, and he didn't so much as flinch at the threat.

Orchid relaxed ever so slightly,releasing her grip on Alec's neck."Very good...I trust you will bring me proof of your loyality to me?"She said softly,her voice back to its usual affectionet purr that she reserved just for Alec.He'll try to save her,but for now,Ill let him be happy.But not for long..She thought to herself.

"Of course. I will complete this task, but as I have said, it will take time. If there is anything you wish for me to do to.. prove my loyalty before I finish what I have agreed to start, please, do not hesitate to ask, my flower," Alec said as he reach out to lightly brush back some of her hair.

Orchid smiled softly,revealing her fangs."Nothing my dear,just that you bring back proof of her death.Nothing more could prove how loyal you are to me."She said.Especialy if you realy kill her.She thought wistfully.

"Of course, my lady," Alec said as he stepped back and offered a sweeping bow. "They will not except me as I am though. They will expect treachury... Perhaps.. you can assist in my illusion I wish to create?"

Orchid raised a delicate eyebrow."Tell me how I can be of assitance in your illusion."She said swiftly.

Alec grinned. "You cannot interrupt what ever I do. There may be times when you catch me at something and doubt my loyalty, but please do not. Now, am I to go to the other side in perfect health, seeming having your blessing for my change of mind, or are you going to show just how angry you would be, shy of killing me?"

"I like the second option,its more fun for me to act that way."Orchid said laughing softly,reaching out a hand with a sia in it,swiftly slashing his arm and cheek and chest once,just barely breaking the surface,but enough to look real."Now it looks like you escaped my rath.An only you know that if I wanted you dead,you would be.Now you may leave.."She said,smirking slightly.

Alec placed a hand on his chest, over the wound before bowing to her and running off to the Sebrellan camp to find Luna, a pained grimace already in place. He spat on the ground once out of sight of Orchid, wiping furiously at his lips with his wounded arm's hand. Wretched affection, kissing...

Siara snickered from her place She had grown quiet as soon as Orchid had neared. What will he do now... She thought, her hair sweeping infrnt of her face. Her cold blue eyes watched her leader. Yes...but my loyalties are always never know when I could strike.. She thought to herself as she flipped from her tree, landing quietly in the brush.

"Luna... This is my fault," Lerayel whispered in her friend's ear. "Love is not forbidden to you. You may love who you wish- I will not stop you. I reacted before much too strongly. I've had... bad experiences with the man Alec before, and was not ready to forgive him upon sight. But I should not have let that affect your vision of him." Lerayel knew this wasn't enough, but what else was there to say?

" Lerayel Yes i do love him, but he asked me to leave this clan & go to his. I can not leave what i have known all my life, You are my family & my everything. Truth be told Lerayel, I never had parents & they abandon me when i was little. You have alwasy meen like a mother figure to me & i so deeply look up to you for it, you have been my only true family everyone here has been like my family the family i never had. " Luna then looked into Lerayel's eyes & sighed as she held back both tears of pain, as well as tears of the memories. Luna then said to her," Yes i was upset before, but more at myself than you & i will find someone else to love hopefuly in time. Lerayel i need you to pop my left shoulder back in, your the only one i trust to do it & the small fracture only needs to be bound then i can get some sleep." Luna then closed her eyes & waited for Lerayel to pop her shoulder back into place as well as to bind her forarm, she only trusted Lerayel to do such things.

Lerayel gently took Luna's arm and popped the shoulder back in. Then she gently touched the fracture, and magically healed it. She had tears in her own eyes. "I fear he will try to kill you, Luna. I fear his leader will order him to do so, and you will fall victim because of your feelings." Lerayel knew Orchid would love to target her advisor. She couldn't let it happen. Nor could she explain to her friend why she was so sure how the Kerrigons worked. The only one of her group who knew her past was Loke, and only because of his own connection.

Christopher watched Alec as he spoke with Orchid from his place in a tree. As his leader left, Chris jumped down and landed smoothly in front of Alec. "So you've been assigned a new quest. How much should I bet you won't have it in you?"

"Depends how much you can afford to lose, dear friend," Alec said as he stood upright, smiling at Christopher.

"Oh come off it. We both know you aren't strong enough to kill a girl. So how much do you have? I'll get it all in the end." Chris grinned.

Alec shook his head, still grinning as well. "Of course I have it in me to kill a human, surely that is obvious. I mean, she's so... droll." He rolled his eyes painfully, remembering Luna. "I'll be glad to rid of her. You should really come along, keep an eye on me for our leader as well as get to see the show first hand."

"What? You want me there so I can finish the job once your courage fails you? As if," said Chris. But he smiled. "Fine, I'll come along, just to see how miserably you do. But do you honestly think Lady Orchid cares enough for you to send some one to watch over you?"

"You know her," Alec said as he looked off through the trees with a frown. "I don't believe she truly trusts me. I believe you would enjoy seeing a Sebrellan die, and saying you were going to make sure I did not betray the Kerrigons would make a good excuse to be there for it first hand.." He looked back at Christopher, raising an eyebrow in offering.

Chris shrugged. He didn't want to let on how true this was. "Fine then. I'll be there. You know I'd watch even if you hadn't invited me."

Alec grinned. "Yeah. Now, hurry up and tell our leader you are going to make sure to be there to kill me if I betray us, and then you can help this 'wounded traitor' off to the Sebrellans like the good friend you are."

" Lerayel I know how true this is just as you do, you fear that the leader wants to target me first & then get to you after i'm dead. I know she will send Alec to do teh job, But i also know that he cares for me & that if he truly believes waht i told him he will do what he knows his heart will lead him to." Luna then slowly sat up & stared Lerayel in the eyes, her eyes showing she was truthful.

"Luna. I am not going to tell you he does not love you," Lerayel said softly. "But please believe me when I say if he disobeys his leader, he will be killed for it. And she would find out. Please trust me when I say this. Do not let him near you, if not for your own safety then for his."

" What ever his heart decided he will listen to, I know he will & if he aims to kill me then i will fight him in a fair chalange. Just don't try to stop me ok Lerayel, Let me deal with him & let me fight him alone with no help ok." She then pleaded with her friend & her eyes keeping a lock on her, she had to do this alone.

"Luna please. He will not be alone. Even if he tries to kill you, and fails, he will have backup. Wether of his own accord or not, he will be followed by the others of his kind. If he fails to kill you, they will finish the job, and then punish him as well. Please Luna," Lerayel begged her friend to listen. She knew how the Kerrigons worked.

Chris silently left Alec. He found Lady Orchid. "My Lady," he acknowledged her.

Orchid turned to him,her eyes sharp and surprised."Chris,why do you bother me?"She hissed.

Chris flinched. He did not wish to anger his mistress. "My lady, I apologize. I have a request of you, concerning the one called Alec."

"Im listening..."Orchid said softly,looking actually interested.

Chris was surprised Orchid showed so much interest, but didn't let his surprise show. "It has come to my knowledge that you have set him the task of destroying the Sabrellan Advisor. Forgive me for being so bold, but I do not believe he is going to fulfill this task. I ask that you allow me to follow him at a distance, so I may finish the task if he fails, and inform you if he betrays us."

Orchid smiled maliciously."Very good Chris.You may go"She said waving a dismissive hand at him.

" Lerayel why are you so quick to place your judgment? I know he will not be alone & i'm telling you this though. I want you by my side when i do this, but untill his backup makes a move then i want you to stay back as well & let me fight him i have a plan trust me. " Luna then waited for a responce & just sat there, she knew Lerayel would come with her she always did in a fight.

Lerayel's breath caught. "If you knew my past you would not think my judgement so quick," she said quietly. She blinked to hide the tears that had sprung unbidden into her eyes. "I will go with you, and as you request I will stand back. But if any of them begin to get the better of you do not expect me to stand back and watch," She said in her normal tone.

" Lerayel Tell me your past, i just told you mine & you know i will not hate you for waht ever happened. I will only bring you closer to my heart, you mena alot to me & reguardless of what happened i will not turn you away nothing ever could turn em away from you your my best firend." Luna then stared into Lerayel's eyes & ment what she said, her eyes never lied & never would lie. **

Lerayel shook her head. She knew Luna deserved to know her past. She knew her friend would not care. But she could not bring herself to allow the memories to resurface. They haunted her, and she'd spent so long ignoring them. She physically could not bring herself to talk about them. She looked down and shook her head again. "I.... can't....."

" Then don't Lerayel, i guess it's just something i will never know about you & who knows maybe i'm not ment to know anything about you save for the memories i have of you." Luna then stood slowly walking from her tent, she then headed out towards the woods & stood where she knew Alec would be.

Lerayel followed. She wouldn't let this come between them. "No Luna. I need to tell you," she said, her voice cracking. "I... you need to know." Now the memories were flooding back. She couldn't stop them. Nor could she stop the tears that came with them.

Luna stopped tuerning to Lerayel & drying her friends tears, she waited for her to speak on her own. She knew she would speak & she was not leaving Lerayel's side either, she was never gonig to betray her only true friend.

Even as Luna dried them the tears continued to fall. Lerayel took a deep, shuddering breath. "Luna, I know you won't leave me for this. But I believe it will surprise you. I ask you this. How do I know so much of the Kerrigons?" Her voice fell to a whisper as she said this.

Luna then said softly," If my guess is correct, you used to be part of them am i right & now thats why they are trying to target you? " Luna then stood quiet & waited for a responce, her eyes never leaving Lerayel.

Lerayel couldn't meet Luna's gaze. She nodded silently. She struggled with the memories, forcing them away, to no avail. They simply would not leave her mind. She covered her face with her hands, angry with herself for losing control so easily.

Luna slowly pulled Lerayel's hands away from her face & hifted ehr chin, she then huged ehr saying softly," It's ok Lerayel, let it all out & release the held in anger." She then looked into her friends eyes & smiled at her softly, she then jumped at a sound near by.

Lerayel wheeled around as she heard the noise, her eyes scanning rapidly for its origin, her tears all but forgotten at the realization that they were in danger. Her eyes were narrowed. She wasn't anxious to fight right now, but if she needed to she would.

Zela slowly came to a stop as she noticed the ladies she was watching heard her footsteps. Her green eyes darkened as her long aburn hair fell over her shoulders and covered her eyes, and most of her face. She hadn't put her hair back that day, for she was to busy trying to find the leader of the group she just walked upon. She stood hopefully unoticed in the shadows. Her breath was quick, scared what these people would do to her...after all these people were not on her side.

Lerayel stepped foreward and took the girl by the scruff of her neck. She looked her in the eye. "Zela. Why are you here? Are you now a spy?" For she knew this girl, just as she knew so many others on the Kerrigon side.

Zela's reaction was to take her weapons from her side, but she held herself from doing so. She winced slightly out of fright at the touch of Lerayel. "No, I am not a spy Lady Lerayel, I seek you mi'lady, you have my word on this." She responded her voice soft yet firm.

Lerayel watched Zela's eyes. She saw no lie there. She remembered Alec's words, and Luna's. She let Zela go, but her eyes said 'try to run and my sword will be through your back.' She stepped back. "Alright then. What do you wish to speak about with me?"

"Thank you" Zela said as Lerayel let go of her. "I..." Zela started, but held her tongue, she was afraid of the power of these people. "I only wish to join you mi'lady." She said.

Siara slowly and silently left her place, then went after Alec. Perhaps he's a bit..more collected now.. She thought, making her way over to him.

"Come to tell me I will fail, as well?" Alec said bitterly to her, though he didn't look in her direction, more around for enemies. "I know you think I will."

"Ah, so you're a mind reader. Interesting." Siara said with a hint of sarcasim. "I can't tell you if you'll fail or suceed. That is for you to decide. And in the end, it does not matter what others think, but only what you believe." She grumbled.

"What I believe is of little consequence in a war," Alec said, turning his dark eyes to her. "Why did you come to me Siara? There is no reason for you to be here..." He sighed, hoping Christopher would hurry up. The wound on his arm, the one on his cheek, and the one on his chest had been bleeding for sometime now and he was starting to fear weakening from blood loss.

"Reason? Perhaps I wanted to make sure you didn't drop over dead, and it looks like it won't be long until you do just that." Siara commented.

"I will be fine, your... concern, is unneeded," Alec replied and continued looking around the woods.

Siara walked a bit infront of him, then said, "How will you do this Alec? Are you really going to kill her?"

He remained silent, refusing to look at her and holding the hand of his unwounded arm over the wound on his chest.

Siara gave a sigh and said, "You won't be able to do your best if you go about bleeding everywhere...." She took the cloth-belt she had been wearing and handed it to him. She wasn't going to have one of her own fall over dead from a wound when she could try and slow the bleeding.

"No," Alec said, glaring at the cloth. "I bleed to instill pity in the Sebrellans.. I want to go straight to them... I do not want them to think that I would stop to wrap my wounds. No, I am stronger than that. I would come to them.. straight to them..." His eyes met hers. "If you do not see that.. Then you haven't learned at all."

"hhm. I wasn't ever good at the pity thing. Didn't strike me as the best idea." Siara repleid, wrapping the cloth around her hand.

"Pitying someone is never a good idea... If they were brought to that level by someone, it is often for a reason... The 'good' do not usually realize this..." Alec sighed, looking off into the trees. "I really need to leave...."

"Then go." Siara replied with a shrug. "JUst don't get killed. We need all the soldiers, good or bad, that we can get." She said with a smal smile, repeating the words he had said to her. She retreated into the trees.

Once she left, Alec let himself take a knee, his breathing a bit more ragged now. "Hurry, Christopher.. Or I shall leave without you, dear friend..."

Chris jumped out of the tree above Alec. "Why so anxious?" he asked innocently. After Orchid had given him permission he had simply nodded and jumped into the trees, following Alec from above. It was becoming quite a habit of his.

"I do not wish to go into enemy territory literally unable to stand on my own. Now," Alec said, switching to putting his wounded arm's hand on his chest wound, his other arm held out to wrap around Christopher's shoulders. "We shall go to them as traitors, wishing to join their ranks." He grimaced. "After we.. that is I have their trust.. It will be much easier."

"Are you kidding?" asked Chris incredulously. "They will NEVER accept me. Trust me, their leader would kill me as soon as she saw me. Maybe you can convince her- but not me. I'll wait on the border."

Alec laughed at that. "Allright, but do not laugh. I do despise pretending to be so... 'goody goody'." With a sigh and a shrug, he ran all the way to just in sight of the Sebrellan camp then switched to stumbling as he entered camp, calling for Luna and looking around desperately. A few people came to him and, apon explaining what happened ("I abandoned the Kerrigons. I want to join you. Please, where is Luna?"), they began beating him.

Lerayel watched Zela closely. "You wish to join us? For what reason?" She heard a commotion going on in the camp. "Luna. Please watch this woman. Interrogate her, if you wish. I need to see what's going on." She turned and ran into camp. She was surprised to see Alec, slashed accross the chest, being beaten by her collegues. "Halt!" she cried, and everyone stopped. "Alec. Why have you come here?" she asked, stepping foreward.

Chris stood among the trees, watching Alec enter the camp and waiting for him to make his move.

"Lerayel.." Alec breathed as he forced himself to his feet. "I left the Kerrigons... Please, where is Luna??" He seemed somewhat desperate.

Lerayel took his arm and pulled him to his feet. She gently touched his wounds, healing him magically. "Luna is busy. You say you left them? That was brave of you. Here, come with me. When Luna is free you may speak with her." Lerayel was not surprised Alec was there. She had a feelign he wasn't as desperate as he seemed, but she'd play along for now.

"Please, no, Lerayel," Alec said, letting her drag him along but still trying to explain. "I need to speak with her! It is imperative, please! I must see her! I want to see her, I need to see her. Where is she??"

"She is recovering," Lerayel said. "She can see no one right now. Please, calm down. You will see her tomorrow at the latest."

Alec's eyes darted around, as if trying to find her. "Lerayal... You don't understand! I came for Luna! She is the reason I wish to join the Sebrellans! I want to tell her, please! She told me.. she told me to come tell her when I was ready to do this for her and I am! I need to see her before anything happens! She has to know and she has to know from me! I will mean little if I put anything before her. Luna is my main priority, and I have to see her first!"

Lerayel made it to her tent and sat Alec down in a chair, watching him closely. "I understand your desire. But please hear me. If you join only to please Luna, I cannot accept that as reason enough. For- please forgive me for saying this- love does change. You may find yourself loving another, and then how can we know your loyalty to be true? I need you to trust me, and wait until morning to see her."

Alec's eyes turned dead at that moment. "Do not let her know then.. I.. I can't have her know I'm here from anyone else. It has to be me... Just.. do that one thing for me.. This is more important to me than... anything I can think of. I have to be here for her.. She.. She needs me, Lerayel, and you know.. as good as any.. that people do change. People do leave the Kerrigons, and for good. You remember that much, right?" He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please... I need to see her... Tell her, as soon as you can, that someone is here to see her and send her to me.. It means more than you'll ever know to me."

Lerayel nodded comfortingly to him. "I will inform her that some one is here for her, and I will not tell her who. But please do not be disappointed if you don't see her until tomorrow. You will see her, I promise. Yes, people change. The proof stands in front of you." She looked into his eyes, conveying sympathy and kindness. "I understand love, Alec. I know how it makes you feel."

"Thank you..." Alec said softly, giving her a small smile of gratitude.

Lerayel nodded again. "You may sleep here tonight," she said to him. "Just for the night. We'll get you your own tent tomorrow, but it is too late right now. You may have the bed. I will sleep in a chair."

Alec smiled again. "You are truly too kind to me, Lerayel... I thank you, for everything.. Most of all, for trusting me. It means so much..."

Lerayel simply nodded in responce. If only he knew how deep her trust was. "I have not forgotten our discussion about change," she said quietly, keeping up the act.

"Nor have I..." Alec said, and frowned. "Why do you doubt me so? I would have never thought that you would have changed sides, and yet.. here you are." He said that quietly, knowing she would not want others to hear. "Do you honestly believe that we were all so different from you?"

"Doubt you? Why, whatever do you mean?" Lerayel asked innocently.

"I know you do not trust Kerrigons," Alec said, still quietly. "So, though you do trust me.. Or so I assume, I know you do not trust me fully." He sighed. "Lerayel.. You are not the only person who does not want to be one of them..."

Lerayel nodded. "I know. You aren't the first former Kerrigon to approach me today asking to join my ranks."

Alec raised an eyebrow, then gave a crooked smile. "We have quite the tyrant for a leader, I'm sure you know. So, who else has approached you?" he asked, his eyes showing genuine interest.

Lerayel mentally beat herself up. She shouldnt have said anything. Now Alec would tell Orchid about Zela, and she would be attacked. But how could she get out of it? "One by the name of Zela, I believe," she said calmly.

"Zela?" Alec thought for a moment. "Yes.. I know of her." He smiled. "I am glad to know I am not alone.. If only if we had left together, perhaps we both would have escaped harm.. That is, if she is, she left while Orchid was busy with.. busy with me.. " He placed a hand on his chest where his wound had been, his eyes low. "She is.. undamaged, yes?" His voice showed concern. She must be, she wouldn't have escaped Orchid alive.. She must have left while I was talking with our leader... If we had left together.. Well.. She wouldn't have made it here at all...

Lerayel nodded and smiled. "She was unharmed. I hope she remains that way."

Alec's smile brightened. "As do I." Orchid will want to handle her.. He looked around. "And really, I couldn't stay here, it's.. it's far too much. I just need a tent and cot, really.. I.. want to meet her alone, if that's allright? I just.. I want to explain this to her myself. It's important to me, and to her."

Lerayel shook her head. "I am sorry, but it is too late to set up a new tent. All the extra ones are packed away, and it would take too much time to dig them out and set one up. No one else has room to share in a tent. Please, I insist, stay here."

Alec looked a little uncomfortable. "I do not feel.. right, sharing a tent with a woman, Lerayel. No offence is meant of course, but.. Are you sure this is allright? I do not enjoy people making assumptions should they know I have spent the night here with you..."

"None of my people will make any such assumptions," assured Lerayel. "They will understand."

After a moment of thought, Alec smiled at her. "I trust your word, then. Please, if there is anything I can do, do not hesitate to ask. I am at your disposal now."

Lerayel nodded. "I will remember."

Luna lay in her tent & rested fro the night, but she could not help but know that something was to happen tomorrow. She knew that Alec would show up & yet she did not know when, she just hoped that her plan would work to save him.


Lerayel awoke early in the morning, as she always did. Leading such a group of the Sabrellans required early mornings and late nights. But this morning she did not spend time working on any other things requiring her time. She simply sat in her chair and waited for Alec to awake, so she could take him to Luna. She was not excited about it. Surely some one on the Kerrigon side was watching to make sure he killed Luna, or was killed. She needed to stop both from happening.

"Lady Lerayel?" Lei Fang asked outside her tent. She normally woke at sunrise.

Lerayel was surprised to hear her new recruit's voice outside the tent. She stood and went outside. "Please, do not refer to me as lady," she said. "What is it that you need?"

Lei Fang nodded, "I was just wondering what you would be having me do today." She smiled, holding her arms behind her back.

Lerayel thought for a moment. "Training will be on your schedule for sure. You can report to the training ring at 9:00 this morning. I don't know what you'll do after that. I'll have to think about it."

Lei Fange tensed, "Who may I ask will I be training with?" She moved her arms and crossed them over her chest.

"Everyone. Anyone. Whoever is available. Possibly me," said Lerayel, "although it isn't likely. I'm swamped with all the new recruits."

"I said the pig to the cow." Lei Fange said then fell into a deep thought. "Then what shall I do to help you till 9?"

Lerayel thought for a moment. "Could you stay here and watch this one for a while?" she indicated Alec. "Tell him when he awakes that you will bring him to Luna. I have some work to do, but as soon as he is awake bring him by me as you lead him to my advisor. I wish to be with him when he sees her."

"Of course." Lei Fang said.

"Just go into my tent and watch him. I need to go now." Lerayel nodded her thanks to Lei Fang and turned to take care of several matters.

Lei Fang smiled turned around and walked in. He smiled slowly faded. She knew of this man, Alec Liam. He father told her about him. She carefully sat down next to the bed and leaned back a little and watched him sleep.

Alec smiled and opened his eyes, having obviously been awake for some time. "Hei," he said, his dark eyes unsettling set on Lei Fang.

Lei Fang smiled, "Morning." He smiled faded, "I hate to do this, but I'll give you a few here to wake up then I have to take you to Lerayel, who will then take you to Luna."

"I am awake," Alec said kindly and sat up, running hand though his hair. "And so I heard..." He smiled slightly. "I thank you for agreeing to watch over me..."

"I'm Lei Fang." She smiled. "Your Alec Liam, right?" She looked over at him.

"That I am," Alec said, noding his head as he set his elbows on his knees, never taking his eyes off her. "And it is a pleasure to meet you. I wonder..." He tilted his head slightly. "How do you know of me?"

Lei Fang faked a smiled, "My father was a Kerrigon and he told me about you. That is when my mother was at Sabrellan gatherings."

"Ah.." Suddenly, Alec's eyes widened. "Luna! Take me to Lerayel, please!" He stood, still looking at her with impatient eyes.

"I'm Lei Fang." She said grabbing his hand and leading him out of the tent. She stopped infront of Lerayel and she smiled. "He's up."

Alec had to fight his revulsion of Lei Fang holding his hand, and kept his face calm as he looked around camp for Luna from where he stood. I hope I get this over with soon... Either their stupidity, or low class humor will annoy me to no end...

Lerayel smiled. "Alec, you are up! Come, I will bring you to Luna. She usually awakes at dawn."

Lei Fang let her hold on Alec go. "Mind if I join you? I still have a nice while before 9."

Alec just nodded to Lerayel, not trusting himself to speak, but looking eager to see Luna as he followed her.

"You may come, Lei," Lerayel said. Then she led the two to Luna's tent. "Luna, I have a visitor for you," she called.

Lei Fang smiled, she'd not seen Luna in a while. She turned to look at Alec, her smile fadded and she looked away quickly.

Aerion mumled as she re-entered the camp. "I could have finished her..or brought her back.." She mumbled, then sighed.

Lerayel was startled to hear Aerion mumbling. "Aerion, what's wrong?" she asked, looking to her.

"I ran into someone today.." Okay. I went looking for her. no one needs to know. "Someone..interferred when I was talkign with her.." Aerion stated.

"Oh, I am sorry. I hate being interupted," said Lerayel empathetically. "If you don't mind me asking, who were you talking to?"

Lei Fang smiled, listening to them. She was still wondering why Alec was here. There was no way he would switch side was there? She pondered over it.

"No one important.." Aerion replied.

Lerayel shrugged and let it go. "Do you have training on your schedule today?" she asked with a sudden idea.

Lei Fang faked a cough.

"No..why?" Aerion asked.

"Do you think you need any extra training? How has it been going?" Lerayel continued.

"Good. And I'm fine," Aerion stated. Ever since her sister left she had been training, trying to get better. She had, of course, and rather quickly at that.

"Then... maybe you'd like to help some of the newer members in their training?" Lerayel continued.

:Of course." Aerion stated.

Luna stood from her bed & walked out of her tent, she was still sore from everything yet would get by. She then turned to see Lerayel & alec standing there, her eyes widened as she ran to them. She then sadi carefuly," How long has he been here & why did you not tell me sooner, please tell me this." She then stared into Lerayel's eyes & then finaly looked at Alec, she finaly sighed alittle.

"Luna!" Alec made to hug her, but stopped short, looking at her to see if it was ok. "I came here last night. I tried so hard to get to you. Lerayel refused. I'm sorry, I truly tried! Ask her yourself. I wanted to find you and tell you. Luna.. Luna, I came for you!" He smiled brightly. "I came to the Sebrellans for you! Just as you said I should if I was serious about you. I came, Luna, I came."

" Well your here now & thats all that matters, i asume you would like to talk to em anole? " She then looked to Lerayel & handed her a note reading," Stand just outside my tent, i will talk to him there & should i cough that means i need you." She tehn nodded to Lerayel & pulled Alec into her, she then sat on her cot patting the chair before her.

Alec said, never taking his eyes off her. "Luna..." He smiled, his eyes gentle. "I came.. You wanted me to so.. So I came..."

" Alec i know i did & if she comes after you, i will keep her from you." Luna then stared into Alec's eyes & waited for anything to happen, she was now alone with him so what now she thought.

Lei Fang stepped back a little, after smiling at Luna.

Lerayel smiled and nodded to Luna as she read the note discreetly. She did not plan to go far, that was for sure. She turned back to Lei Fang and Aerion. "Thank you, Aerion. The help will be appreciated. I am promoting you to trainer." she smiled. "Maybe you and Lei could spar? I'd like to see how much Lady Lei Fang can do," she continued.

"Do not worry about me, my flower. I have escaped death to come to you, and I would do it again. Nothing will keep me from you, Luna. Not anymore..." Alec smiled at her and once again looked like he wanted to hug her, but held back. Instead, he changed the subject. "Lerayel said I could stay.. She said I could be part of the Sebrellans... She wants it to be for more than you though, but.. You're the whole reason I came. She said my love could change but.. but I don't believe that. Luna, I came for you, and I'll stay for you.. If you'll have me..." He looked into her eyes, asking.

" why would i not have you, i love you & would love to be your pertner. Alec i know there has to be another reason your here, comming to just be with me can't be your only reason & i can see it in your eyes." Luna then waited for him to respond, her eyes staring into his & the truth in her words showing.

Lei Fang nodded,"Aerion, I'll see you in the training grounds." She smiled, then walked off after nodding to a few other. She walked over to the grounds and waiting for Aerion.

Chris watched as Alec disappeared into the tent. Soon the time would come. He watched closely. He also had his eyes on the leader, however. Oh, how he had missed the sight of Lerayel. He nearly laughed to himself. He had such memories of her.

"I.." Alec sighed and lowered his eyes a minute, before looking into Luna's eyes seriously, and spoke quietly so Lerayel would not hear. "I have no desire to be a Kerrigon any more... I never honestly did... I didn't want to mention it because I was afraid that you would not believe how much I care for you Luna, but it's not true. I.. I love you Luna..." He blushed a little and smiled shyly, looking down at the floor again.

Ben saw a light a little farther ahead and and stumbled on. His gigantic frame started to fall as he broke into a stumbling run as fast as his tired body could manage.

Luna lifted his chin & stared into his eyes, she then kissed him gently on the lips & finaly said to him," Then stay Alec & be with me, share a life with me." She then stood & held out her arms to him, she wanted to hug him.

Alec stood as well, smiling and took her into his arms, holding her close. "I will stay, for you," he said.

" Can we now do something, something other than staying in this tent? " Luna then waited for him to respond & stood silently just looking at him, her eyes alittle happy yet still unsure.

"We can do what ever you wish, my flower," Alec said, smiling down at her.

The man-giant stumbled and fell in the loam at his feet. he huddled into a ball, hoping that he could get rid of the pneumonia that he was suffering. Hoping that someone would find his body, broken as it was.

Luna then walked from her tent & was holding Alec's hand, she jsut smiled at this. She then looked at Lerayel & then nodded to her, most of her fear gone.

Lerayel smiled and nodded back to Luna. She let the couple pass, but watched them. Then she followed, from a fair distance.

Aerion headed for the training grounds. She was a hand - to - hand fighter, thought she also had an odd weapon. It was like a boomie, and a boomararng, though the tips were rather sharp.

Lei Fang stod and started to stretch, when she saw Aerion.

Aerion twirled her weapon around her hand a bit, taking each step closly. Yu don't have to be stronger, only smarter. She reminded herself.

Lei Fang pulled her extendable sword out, ready to fight.

Interesting... Aerion thought. She began to circle the other slowly, taking in her opponent.

Lei Fang carefull in her steps watched her, waiting for her to strike first.

Aerion wasn;t about to do anything first. My weapon is better fight for is my type of fighting. She thought.

Lei Fang sighed, closed her eyes, then lunged for the other swing her sword, high-right.

Aerion blocked this attack by putting her weapon up. She swung her leg out at Lei to trip her.

Ben rose with what energy he had left and started to stumble back to his originally set goal. he heard a set of clashing bladesand went over there to see the dueling duo."Go! Swing to the left! Now the right! down Slash, defensive block, Stab!" Ben shouts hoarsely, offering advice.

"What do you wish to do, Luna?" Alec asked from where he was following her, lead by his hand in hers.

Lei Fang fell on her ass, then got right back up. She was nto doing that agian.

Aerion flipped her weapon, and began to circle again, staying completely calm.

This was not going as Lei Fang had planned. She mentaly shruged, and kept her eyes on Aerion.

Luna looked at Alec & smiled, she then led him to the breakfast tent & sat down on a bench. She then got a plate of fruit, toast, jelly & eggs along with juice. She smiled at Alec & then said softly," Get anything you want, i know you must be hungery & after we are done we can do anything you like ok. " She then kissed him softly & stared into his eyes lovingly, her happyness showing.

Guess what, everyone? It's time for a new page again! Go to Arianova rp page 3

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